Preselector 10Khz-600 Khz
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- Hits: 26909
I have added this simple preselector to my RX. (from LF today - RSGB publications)
Advantages : parts are easy to find - it is easy to build - verry efficient to pick up little signal in a verry small bandpass.
Inconvenients :if you want monitoring a large bandpass with your SDR, the signals outside de BP of the filter are excluded : the best way is then to include a bypass position (use then a 6 position rotary swich), first bypass the whole preselector, pick the wanted signal , and then tune it using the other postions of the rotary switch.
WSPR signals on 630m band
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- Hits: 11180
Received RX signals on 630m with the PA0RDT active antenna.
Reception of DCF49 signals
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- Hits: 22284
F(rx) = 139.000 Khz
Decoder : multipsk mode ASCII 8bits shift 200 Hz + IEC 870-5 decoding
BUT !!!
Decoding the frames is much better (merci ON4MS)
SAQ Grimeton Radio Message on 17200 Hz for the UNDay 25 october 2015
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- Hits: 16032
Here next you will find the decoded CW message transmitted on october 25, 2015 by the station SAQ using the Alexanderson alternator.
Weather forecast on 147 Khz
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- Hits: 21866
All infos here are coming from :
In Western Europe and the Mediterranean, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the German Weather Service have the responsibility to broadcast Weather information for mariners on RTTY.
Frequencies table see below :
Alfa navigation VLF signals
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- Hits: 18275
Received Alfa navigation signals at 11.905 kHz, 12.649 kHz, 14.881 kHz. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Wat are Alfa Navigation signals ?
The ALPHA / RSDN-20 radionavigation system is transmitting a 3.6 sec long repeating sequence consisting of six 400 ms long frequency combinations with a 200 ms spacing.
Réception WFAX avec le programme FLDIGI
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- Hits: 10746
Réception en mode WFAX avec FLDIGI
Fréquences de réception fax en KHz avec un signal correct :
Northwood England : 2618.5 4610 8040 11086.5 18261
Hamburg Germany : 3855 7880 13882.5
Athens Greece : 4481 8105
Roma Italy : 4777.5 8146.5 13597.4
Sklamlebaek, Danemark : 5850 9360 13855 17510